College Counseling

If you know that college is the next step for you after high school then you must approach the process with discipline and the right college counselor.

It all starts with one-on-one workshop sessions, which encourage a student to identify different elements that make them who they are and what they know is necessary in their next academic setting for them to be both academically successful and socially and emotionally supported.

Grades 9-10

This is a time for exploring and investigation. Students need to take this time to first explore themselves: what makes them happy, what academic areas they are attracted to and excel in, and what curricular or extracurricular interests they enjoy.

Grades 11-12

In the final two years of high school, students are beginning to clearly understand what they would like to see and what they will need for a successful future. At Journeys, we find excitement in exploring individuals’ needs, interests, expectations, and potential restrictions, and identifying schools for further research and discussion.

College Acceptances